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That's What I'm Talking About

I generally review romance, paranormal and urban fantasy. I tend to pick review books that I want to read, so generally my reviews will be positive. I always give my honest opinion: good, bad, and indifferent. 


Note: on my blog I use a letter grading system. I've listed the ratings below. For sites with stars, I have listed the equivalent rating. If I didn't finish the book, I will not rate it with stars.


A+  Personal Favorite (5 stars)
A    Loved It (4.5 or 5 stars)
A-   Enjoyed A Lot (4 or 4.5 stars)
B+  Liked It A Lot (4 stars)
B    Liked It -- Recommend (4 stars)
B-   Liked It -- But I had a few small issues (3 or 3.5 stars)
C+  Liked It -- But I had issues (3 or 3.5 stars)
C    Finished It -- Liked some, didn't like some (3 stars)
C-   Finished It -- Liked a little, didn't like a lot (2 or 2.5 stars)
D    Not A Big Fan (2 stars)
E    Don’t Waste Your Time (1 star)
TW: Reading this book was like watching a Train Wreck
DNF: Did Not Finish


updated July 9, 2015

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Operation: Endgame (Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Book 6) (English Edition)
Philippa Ballantine, Jeanne H. Ballantine, William Morris
Just You and Me (A Contemporary Romance Collection)
Fiona Miers, Caitlyn Lynch, Liz Durano, Deelylah Mullin, Cate Farren, Jacquie Biggar, Vicki Batman, Kate Richards, Brenna Zinn, Dalton Diaz, Tierney O'Malley, Desiree Holt, Nicole Morgan, Ashlyn Chase
Bitter Bite: Elemental Assassin, Book 14
Audible Studios, Jennifer Estep, Lauren Fortgang
Progress: 27 %

Review Revenant by Larissa Ione

Revenant (Demonica) - Larissa Ione

How do I summarize a story that has been in the making for ten whole books (well at least five books)?! Revenant is not only the wonderful story of a broken male finding love, but the exciting culmination and climax of the ultimate battle between the heavens and  underworld that began back with the first Lords of Deliverance title. Because of the nature of this series, I strongly urge one NOT to read Revenant as a stand alone book. You will be confused. There is such a huge amount of back story that even I was a bit lost for a while. Fortunately, I take good notes while reading books, and the author provides a summary of the most recent events that occurred in the previous book, Reaver.


Although he believed himself an evil fallen angel, Revenant recently discovered he’s an angel that was raised in Sheoul by Satan – fed his blood and inherently Satan’s son. Also, his twin brother, Reaver, was raised in Heaven by the angels themselves. Recently, both angels were raised to one of the highest levels an angel can obtain, and Revenant is now a Shadow Angel, second only to Satan, but will be less powerful than Lucifer when he is reborn. This is important to understand, and angelic politics are tough to follow from time to time.


On a personal level, Rev is obsessed with Blaspheme, a doctor at UGH. Although Blas appears to be a False Angel, the reader knows she’s actually something else, something which places a big target on her back and keeps her on the run. The last thing she needs is the attention from a power angel who could easily eliminate her. Yet, she finds herself comforted by Rev, trusting him when she knows better. But what will happen when Rev discovers the truth?


Revenant is epic in scope without feeling like a big book. I blazed through the story, glued to the pages until the very end. The romance between Rev and Blas is wonderful. Although they have drastically different pasts, they both have broken histories, and I like that they find solace in one another. Even though neither can explain it, they trust each other implicitly and open up in ways that neither has experienced before. Their shared moments are honest and tender, creating an intense emotional connection. I found the romance to be my favorite part of the book. The pair has off-the-charts chemistry and their sex scenes are both hot and intense. I loved how they get past the surface, and even when things are at their worst, hold on to the connection they built and use it to pull out of the depths.


I also enjoyed the individual personal journeys that both Rev and Blas face. While their individual growth is strongly intertwined to their developing bond, both Rev and Blas have to deal with personal issues on their own. Blas is hiding a secret that will destroy her, as well as those close to her. The fact that she takes a leap of faith by trusting Eideon is momentous, and furthers my admiration for Blas. E and Blas share a couple of conversations that made me misty-eyed. On the other hand, everyone now knows most of Rev’s past, and he must rise above the hurt and pain to forgive himself and his brother, Reaver. Their back and forth is primal at times, and rough at best. Watching Rev and Reaver learn to get over the past was rewarding, although not quite as emotional for me.


Meanwhile, things are coming to a head in the battle between Sheoul and Heaven. Satan is anxiously awaiting the rebirth of Lucifer via the evil angel, Gethel. In heaven, Raphael is still a big jerk and up to something. These issues, which have been in the making for several books, all conclude in Revenant. While the politics of the whole ordeal still have me scratching my head, making the story a bit difficult to follow at times, I am satisfied, even happy, with how it all concludes. I like how it all ties back into prophecy and stories shared during the course of the series.


In the end, I enjoyed Revenant and all his story has to offer. The Demonic series is one of my favorites, with the expansion of the mythology brought about with the start of the Lords of Deliverance series taking it from a sexy yet simple paranormal romance to a complex, darker, richer series. Revenant ties all parts of this world and its series together nicely. Seeing familiar faces was highly entertaining, and I am glad that not everything was wrapped up perfectly.


Overall, the story of Blas and Rev was delightful, entertaining, and uber sexy. I really like the two together. I appreciate that even when they got mad, they talked it out and didn’t walk away. We really didn’t know much about Revenant until recently, but I feel like he made leaps and bounds in the book in a good way. The story was filled with great action scenes, a little heavy on the gore and gruesome, but no more than usual for the author. The flow of the story was great, not bogged down by world building and back story, with just enough to remind long time fans what happened in earlier installments. I can’t wait to see what Ms. Ione has in store for us next!


My Rating: A-

Originally posted at That's What I'm Talking About

Review copy provided by publisher